Category: 4-5 Years
Edible Finger Paints {Allergy Friendly!}
I love the art projects that you can eat. Seriously the look on Landon’s face when I tell him he CAN put something random in his mouth is priceless. There have been some posts going around about edible finger paints and they look like tons of fun – except if you’re allergic to wheat or…
Corn Meal Sensory Play
One great sensory play that’s safe for pretty much any age is cornmeal (unless you have a corn allergy!). Since it’s etible, it’s safe for any age of child that’s had corn introduced already. They may take handfuls and put it in their mouths – but that’s one way that babies explore the world around…
Grated Crayons Sensory Play
Last week Landon and I were making the Apple Sun Catcher and in the process we were grating the crayons. As the shavings were falling on to the wax paper, Landon couldn’t stop from touching and playing with the crayon shavings… which lead me to think that grated wax would make a wonderful sensory bin item.…
Apple Sun Catcher
One thing about our new house that I totally love is the massive amounts of window space in the living and dining rooms. I love doing projects that we can hang in these windows that lets the light shine through. This can be a little involved, so make sure you have everything ready and prepared,…
Handprint Apple Tree
Kids love to have paint on their hands. It’s a great sensory experience and the creation of their handprints is really limitless. I have several books full of ideas for making handprint art! Today we made an apple tree using only our hands (ok, arm too). Handprint Apple Tree Red, Brown and Green Paint Construction…
10 Apples Up On Top Project
This is a cute 10 Apples Up on Top project I pulled from my files as a Kindergarten teacher. The kids LOVED this activity. Not only is the story a cute one this project allows children to practice counting, number writing, and number sequencing. Landon had fun with this too – so it’s totally modifiable…
Apple Prints
Today we cut open some apples and used them to paint! One of my fond memories from early elementary school was cutting an apple horizontally and seeing the “star”. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you HAVE to do this. Apple Prints Apples Red, Yellow, Green Paint Paper Take 2 apples. Cut one…
Apple Counting Game
As we were eating breakfast this morning, this idea for a counting game came to me. So while Landon was finishing up his breakfast, I whipped up this little activity. After we played it and I tweaked my original plan around, then came to the huge realization that the game had pretty much morphed into…
How to make a volcano!
Part of talking about dinosaurs is where they lived and what their environment was like. A bit ago we had some fun playing with baking soda and vinegar, I thought making a simple volcano and making it erupt would be great fun. It was! Volcano Empty water bottle Playdough or salt dough Red food coloring…
Dinosaur Craft
After talking with Landon about how dinosaurs are extinct and reading several stories from the library about how scientists learn about the dinosaurs since they can’t see them, I wanted to not only do some “scientific” projects about fossils but an art project as well. Again, pinterest is my friend. Dinosaur Skeleton Craft Pasta (preferably something…