Category: Arts & Crafts

  • Glittery Snowflakes

    Glittery Snowflakes

    This is a simple, but fun project that we did on the spur of the moment. Landon’s idea was the glitter. Honestly I hate glitter. I mean I love how it’s sparkly and makes things pretty – but it is so messy. We do everything we can to keep the mess down by doing it in a…

  • Crayon Resist Snowman

    Crayon Resist Snowman

    I do this project every year in kindergarten. I wanted to try it, knowing it would be a bit of a stretch developmentally for Landon. His independent drawing is still in the scribble and call it a dolphin phase. So I decided to try some directed drawing with him to help him make a snowman for this…

  • Paper Plate Snowman

    Paper Plate Snowman

    I absolutely love these snowmen. I love anything that involves the hands of my kiddos, and they love it to – Riley especially, he loves having his hands traced. He’d be happy doing that all day long. Seriously. Paper Plate Snowman Paper Plate Black, orange, and scarf colored construction paper (let your child pick!) Googly eyes Crayons…

  • Activity Quilt

    Activity Quilt

    Aunt Susie. She’s one of those aunts that is the kid favorite. She is the master at everything crafty, and not the kind of crafty where you copy pins from other’s ideas. She’s the crafty type that comes up with these awesome ideas all on her own and makes them. This Christmas she made the…

  • Top 10 Posts for 2012

    Top 10 Posts for 2012

    What a year! Our little family has had so much change this year. I’m really looking forward to 2013 where we will have a year full of consistency! So many things about 2012 have surprised me, and when it’s all said and done, I’m thankful for the surprises – thankful for the ups and downs that…

  • Puffy Snowman Craft

    Puffy Snowman Craft

    I love using shaving cream and glue to paint. I’ve done a lot of projects with this medium and it’s great because it’s thick and puffy and stays that way when it dries. You could color it if you wanted to open endless possibilities. Puffy Snowman Craft Glue Shaving Cream Blue Construction paper Googly Eyes…

  • Puffy Hand Print Santa Craft

    Puffy Hand Print Santa Craft

    This is a fun variation on the hand print Santa using one of my favorite mediums of “paint” Puffy Hand Print Santa Craft Brown or Tan construction paper Red construction paper Glue Shaving Cream Googly Eyes Cotton balls (optional) Mix equal parts of shaving cream and glue. Once well combined, liberally paint your child’s hand…

  • Christmas Tree Math {ordering by length}

    Christmas Tree Math {ordering by length}

    This is a great project that I’ve done almost every year in my classroom. It’s a great Christmas craft, but in addition your child can work on ordering objects by length and the math vocabulary and concept of longer and shorter. Christmas Tree Math 9×12 Piece of Green Construction Paper Large (18×24) Piece of White…

  • Paper Plate Gingerbread Man

    Paper Plate Gingerbread Man

    When I was in the classroom I would do a whole unit on the gingerbread man. My class did a play that was stinkin’ cute so we were all excited about anything gingerbread man. Paper Plate Gingerbread Man Paper Plate Brown Construction Paper Brown Paint Glue Googly Eyes Embellishments (like beads, sequins, glitter) Paint one…

  • Paper Plate Santa {2 different ways!}

    Paper Plate Santa {2 different ways!}

    Paper Plate Santa Paper Plate Red Construction Paper White Glue Cotton Balls Googly eyes (for version 2) Version 1: Cut the center of the paper plate out so you are left with a circle made from the rim of the plate. Cut a hat shape (I just free-handed it) out of red construction paper. Spread…