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This week’s Activities for Kids:
Dinosaurs and the letter D!
Welcome to the first week of Activities for Kids! Since this is the first in what I hope to be a regular, weekly posting of themed activities for your kiddos, there may be things that still need tweaking. I totally welcome your comments and suggestions. Please let me know if you used these ideas and how your kiddos liked them!
Make Dino-feet and walk like a dinosaur.
Make cut out’s of feet for dinosaur hop (will do tomorrow)
Dd book
Play Dinosaur Hop
Paper Plate dinosaur
Finish Dd book
Make volcano for Friday
Stegosaurs clothespin craft
Make fossil imprints into play dough (as simple as gathering small toys and seeing what the imprint looks like in play dough and comparing that to the original object)
Make dinosaur in the “dirt” craft
Make volcano “erupt”
Use paint brush to find “fossils” (aka random objects) in sand table.
Dinosaur matching game (like memory with dinosaurs)
Supplies Needed (other than “typical” stuff like construction paper, paint, glue, etc.)
Library books to read aloud during the week that go with this week’s focus
Cardstock or heavy printing paper
Paper plates
Salt dough
Empty water bottle
Plastic tub
Dry Pasta
Coffee Grounds
Baking Soda
2 responses to “Activities for Kids”
I loved seeing these ideas. I am a preschool teacher and now a home daycare preschool provider and I’ve done a dinosaur theme many times butove seeing some new ideas I’m so making the foot prints and the dino jumping game and probably a few more. Thanks for fresh ideas and sharing them
Thank you! I need to put more weekly units together. Knowing that someone uses them lights a little fire under me…:-) we’ve had sick kiddos for the last few weeks so not much is getting done!