What a year! Our little family has had so much change this year. I’m really looking forward to 2013 where we will have a year full of consistency! So many things about 2012 have surprised me, and when it’s all said and done, I’m thankful for the surprises – thankful for the ups and downs that led us to the place we are.
The world of Loving My Nest has been full of surprises too. The blog has taken off faster than I could have ever imagined and now have a “following” of wonderful people {yes, you!}. I’ve compiled the top posts of 2012. The top 10 most popular, my top 3 favorite posts or activities, and then for what it’s worth the 3 posts that had the least amount of love {show them some love!}.
Thanks for all your comments {I love them!} and support. Here’s to 2013!
Most Popular
Most of you have found me through my crock pot freezer meals post. Want to know a little secret? I almost didn’t even post about it because I didn’t think anyone would really care! Glad I did as I have been blessed with endless stories of how you all have been changed by this, and many who are using it to bless others with it!
Freezer Crock Pot Meals {Round 2}
How to Make a Man With the Yellow Hat Cake
Paper Plate Santa {2 different way!}
My Favorite Picks
On staying home {maybe longer now}
Least Popular {Give them another chance!}