Category: Outside Activities

  • Decorating Pumpkins

    Decorating Pumpkins

    A great way to celebrate the fall season with out carving pumpkins (ya know 3 year olds and sharp knives don’t jive well) is to simply decorate them with craft supplies. Pull out the glue bottle, paint, beads, stickers, feathers, etc…. and let them use their imagination! The mini pumpkins were less than a dollar…

  • Leaf Stamps

    Leaf Stamps

    A few days ago we made some leaf creations and did some rubbings of them. Since we’re “officially” in fall now I wanted to do a variety of fall crafts and activities. Landon’s friend Mackenzie was coming over in the afternoon so I saved this project for when she would be here! We started the project…

  • Leaf Creation Rubbings

    Leaf Creation Rubbings

    If you live in an area where the leaves are starting to change colors talk a walk and gather several of those leaves. Spend this time to talk about the seasons and how some trees look different in different times of the year. The boys and I walked down our road to Bidwell Park, it’s…

  • Goop


    I love how many of my posts recently really don’t have real words as their title. All are some form of a sticky, slimey or gooy substance that is just tons of fun for 3 year old boys (and their mom) to play in. We recently (ish) made soom Oobleck to play with. I even…

  • Bubble Snakes

    Bubble Snakes

    One of the activities we did for Landon’s birthday party was bubble snakes. As I was typing the post about his party, I realized I never posted about making bubble snakes! How could I forget that! This is, quick, easy, free and fun! How can you go wrong with that! Bubble Snakes Empty water bottle…

  • Fizzy Sidewalk Paint

    Fizzy Sidewalk Paint

    Yesterday was a high of 105. So anything we were going to do outside HAD to be done before like 6am, since it was already 85 degrees by then. We didn’t make it out by 6, but pretty early in the morning. Quite a while ago {before blogging days} I had made some sidewalk paint…

  • Oobleck


    Another really fun and messy (and cheep) activity is oobleck. This is literally as simple as corn starch and water but it has an amazing property of behaving like both a solid and a liquid. If you try to punch or poke quickly through it, it acts like a solid, but slowly slide your hand into…

  • Pouring water

    Pouring water

    The day we did this the high was 107. Bleh. We went out super early in the morning to the park to get some wiggles out, knowing that we were going to be inside for most of the day. Later in the morning before it was too roasting hot we went out on the back…

  • Everyday Life – Mom’s Group and Fountains

    Everyday Life – Mom’s Group and Fountains

    A few weeks back I joined a mom’s group in Chico called the Chico Mother’s Club. I love being able to connect with other adults in the same life phase as me. It’s also great to be able to have playdates with other kids Landon’s age without playing the “lottery” of who will be at…