Category: Everyday Life

  • Everyday Life (or not so) – Moving

    So we have finally made the move! We are now in the new house, slowly getting unpacked and settled in. I love our new life, house and being a full time stay at home mom now. I promise to post more as we get the house more settled. Every second is filled with unpacking boxes…

  • Everyday Life – “That” kid

    We’ve all done it before we’ve had a kid of our own and vowed we would never have “that” kid. You know, the one that is screaming at the top of his lungs in the middle of a nice a quiet store, kicking and screaming and flailing his arms. Did I mention screaming? Yeah – that…

  • Everyday life – holding on for dear life

    I go grocery shopping with two children two and under. Yes. I am that crazy. Really I’m not though. Riley does fine as long as he’s not hungry and Landon is really well behaved in public, as long as he’s not hungry, except for this one time in Rite Aid. I behave pretty well too (as…

  • Everyday Life – Pick your battles

    Everything is a big deal to a two year old. Landon is really in full swing of asserting his independence. It is a good thing, really and I do want to encourage it. However the assertion of his independence also means things usually happening not the way or in the time frame I would like.…

  • 2 Year old Stripper

    We walked into preschool the other morning; their routine is to take their shoes off and put them in the shoe holder and go into class. Landon walks into the entry room, and startspulling his shorts off! I was asking him what he was doing – his teacher asking him if he had to go potty all while we…