Category: Learning Activities

  • How to make a volcano!

    How to make a volcano!

    Part of talking about dinosaurs is where they lived and what their environment was like. A bit ago we had some fun playing with baking soda and vinegar, I thought making a simple volcano and making it erupt would be great fun. It was! Volcano Empty water bottle Playdough or salt dough Red food coloring…

  • Dinosaur Craft

    Dinosaur Craft

    After talking with Landon about how dinosaurs are extinct and reading several stories from the library about how scientists learn about the dinosaurs since they can’t see them, I wanted to not only do some “scientific” projects about fossils but an art project as well. Again, pinterest is my friend. Dinosaur Skeleton Craft Pasta (preferably something…

  • Clothespin Stegosaurus

    Clothespin Stegosaurus

    We’ve been talking a lot about dinosaurs and the different types of dinosaurs. Landon is still instant that every dinosaur is a T-Rex. Today we made a stegosaurus. He still calls it a T-Rex. Oh well. I got the idea here. Gotta love pinterest! (Speaking of pinterest, if you like what’s here feel free to…

  • Paper Plate Dinosaur

    Paper Plate Dinosaur

    I found this cute idea on pinterest for a paper plate dinosaur! We HAD to try it out. I made a few adaptations and attached them with brads rather than just gluing so Landon could make his dinosaur come “alive”. Paper Plate Dinosaur 2 Paper Plates Paint Brads (Brass Fasteners) Cut one plate in half…

  • Dinosaur Hop

    Dinosaur Hop

    This is a very versatile game that can be adapted to whatever skill your child is working on. All you need is flash cards of whatever skill you’re working on and copies of the dinosaur foot print, custom colored of course! Then as your child names whatever flash card you are working on they get…

  • Lacing with a colander

    Lacing with a colander

    Landon has been on a lacing kick lately since I pulled out my alphabet lacing for him. As I was making dinner and draining the pasta, I had an idea. I pulled out the other colander I have and the laces from the alphabet set and let him go to town. I’m sure you could…

  • Simple Science:  Baking Soda and Vinegar

    Simple Science: Baking Soda and Vinegar

    Sometimes the most excitement can be found in the simple things. Todays Landon and I experimented with baking soda and vinegar. It’s very inexpensive and fun to watch the reaction take place. I sprinkled a light later of baking soda on the bottom of a plastic tub and put some vinegar in a bowl. Using…

  • Lacing Letters

    Lacing Letters

    One of the beauties about teaching Kindergarten for several years before deciding to be a stay at home mom is the masses of stuff I had accumulated that is now at my disposal to use with Landon. Some of the things are way beyond where he is academically but a lot of my alphabet and phonics stuff…

  • Name and letter recognition practice

    Name and letter recognition practice

    Here’s an activity for practicing all kinds of skills. This has fine motor, cutting, writing, letter recognition skill all packed into one activity. The original has the letters to his name on the bottom of the paper. He cut the letters out and then we worked together to spell out and find the letters and…

  • Fizzy Sidewalk Paint

    Fizzy Sidewalk Paint

    Yesterday was a high of 105. So anything we were going to do outside HAD to be done before like 6am, since it was already 85 degrees by then. We didn’t make it out by 6, but pretty early in the morning. Quite a while ago {before blogging days} I had made some sidewalk paint…