Category: 4-5 Years
DIY Cardboard Ball Game
When we moved into the “new house” (Landon still calls it this) we had to buy a new refrigerator. Luckily Brad programms for and we get massive discounts on stuff… like refrigerators! When it was delivered one of the doors had a dent in it so a new one was shipped. The result was a box…
Shape coloring (Free Printable!)
Today Landon and I were working on another page for his ABC Book. When we were done he wanted to just color and draw, that turned into cutting out the shapes we were drawing, then when I was coloring I had one of the scraps of paper underneath the one I was coloring on and…
Another really fun and messy (and cheep) activity is oobleck. This is literally as simple as corn starch and water but it has an amazing property of behaving like both a solid and a liquid. If you try to punch or poke quickly through it, it acts like a solid, but slowly slide your hand into…
ABC Book (Free Printable!)
Today we started working on an ABC book that I created for my classroom way back. I think it’s funny that he’s working on the things I work with my kinders on at the beginning of the year. There’s a part of me that really don’t want him to work on any more Pre-K stuff…
Train Craft
This was another spur of the moment activity that actually turned out pretty cute. Materials Train Outline Cardboard, Foamboard or other sturdy paper Cotton balls 1 empty toilet paper roll Markers Glue Take the outline of a train and using a pen poke holes along the lines to transfer it to the carboard, foamboard or…
Extra large maraca
Landon loves music. He’ll turn anything into a drum, loves to listen to and participate in any music opportunities. He’s broken several drum sticks and about as many maracas that were turned into drum sticks. Materials Balloon (smaller sized) Dried beans Newspaper (or any scrap paper) White Glue Water We took several days to make…
Flubber (or Oobleck or Gak…)
Landon is turning 3 next month! I can’t believe how fast time has gone by. He’s pretty much obsessed with Curious George (or Monkey George as he calls it) so we are going to have a Curious George Party. This is the first party where he’ll have friends and other kids that can play games…
Sock Puppets
Landon has been full fledged into imaginary play (remember the cardboard car that he’s STILL playing with?). So yesterday we made some sock puppets for us to have a puppet show with and fuel his imagination. This is a SUPER easy and potentially free sock puppet. Nothing fancy here, just literally a sock that sort…
Homemade Puffy Paint
I asked Landon if he wanted to do a project this morning, already having something in mind. He enthusiasticly said “Yes, I want to make a cloud!” I’m all for doing the things he wants to do. I’ve done a project in the classroom before with a mixture of shaving cream and glue to make…
Cardboard Car
Want to know what a few hours of time, some paper plates and paint, a cardboard box and some duct tape can create? We spent Monday morning painting gluing and cutting to make Landon a car out of a cardboard box. It was really all his idea. We still had a few boxes laying around…