Category: 4-5 Years
Cotton Balls and Shaving Cream
The other day we were practicing shearing a sheep. Part of the fun little activity involved shaving cream. If you’ve never sprayed your table with shaving cream and let your child explore you should. It’s hours of fun. Since the table was covered in shaving cream from the sheep shearing anyway, I figured we’d end…
How To Shear a Sheep
In talking with Landon about the different farm animals and how we use products from each of the different ones we moved the discussion on to sheep. We talked about how clothes are made – how material is made – and that some material comes from sheep. He looked at me kind of funny at…
Farm Letter Matching
I came across this GREAT resource for farm themed activities. Today we just did the letter matching game to practice letter names and upper and lower case matching. But there is a TON of other things to do in the pack. I totally suggest you head on over to 2 Teaching Mommies and download it!…
Finger Painting Pigs
I was trying to think of farm related art projects for each animal – though there are a lot of ideas out there, they either didn’t involve a lot of process from a child in the making of the project, or they were just pain weird. Then the idea came to me of mud and…
Apple and Worm Counting {and Blog Hop!}
Johnny Appleseed’s birthday is coming up soon, the 26th of September to be exact. He would be 238 today! In honor of his birthday I have a cute apple counting activity for you! We just recently did a bunch of apple activities and I had an idea of doing something like this then, but it never…
Cardboard Coloring
Want a way to keep a preschooler or toddler busy for a while? Want to have fun with them while fostering imagination? Cardboard …and markers and some tape sometimes, but really cardboard. Riley’s new car seat box is a nice big one. Last night Landon was getting antsy – it was too hot to go…
Popsicle Stick Puzzles
Landon has been on a major puzzle kick the last few weeks. I’m happy about that because I love doing puzzles. Not the 25 – 40 piece ones he’s able to do so much, but he’s got to start somewhere to work up to those 1000+ piece puzzles. We have several small puzzles that he…
Gelatin Math
Gelatin math? Yeah, you read right! Today we worked on number recognition and counting and had a blast getting messy at the same time! Gelatin Math Unflavored Gelatin food coloring (optional) Marbles or other counters Number cards Mix 1 packet of gelatin in 1/2 cup warm water and mix, add 1 cup cold water in…
Baked Cotton Balls
I came across this post on pinterest from Play Create Explore – I think it’s a super great idea, not only as a sensory activity, cooking activity and color practice, but a great way to get out a little aggression and pent up energy. As you may figure out by now we have allergy considerations due…
Water Beads
If you have never tried these – they are SUPER awesome. They are something I’ve seen on pinterest and thought – that would be cool, but that was like 6 months ago and we’ve never explored them. Some places call them Water Gems, and I got mine at Micheals. You can get them in a…