Category: 3-3.5 Years

  • Homemade Puffy Paint

    I asked Landon if he wanted to do a project this morning, already having something in mind. He enthusiasticly said “Yes, I want to make a cloud!” I’m all for doing the things he wants to do. I’ve done a project in the classroom before with a mixture of shaving cream and glue to make…

  • Cardboard Car

    Want to know what a few hours of time, some paper plates and paint, a cardboard box and some duct tape can create? We spent Monday morning painting gluing and cutting to make Landon a car out of a cardboard box. It was really all his idea. We still had a few boxes laying around…

  • Hallway Bowling

    A few weeks ago Landon tried out bowling at a bowling ally with a new friend we made. They had a blast – for about 6 frames. We didn’t even finish a game – their attention span was just too short – but they really had fun for the time they were there! Landon keeps…

  • Car Painting

    I got this idea to do marble painting. I’ve done tons of marble painting in the classroom with my kindergartners it’s a fun different way to paint. Then it dawned on me – all my marbles that I used for painting I left behind in my classroom. So I thought of another way I’ve painted before,…

  • 4th of July Craft

    Earlier I was talking about doing some finger painting flag craft, well here it is! I kind of made it up as I went, and Landon had fun making it. Materials:  White and blue construction paper  Red and white paint Masking tape (painters tape)  Q-tip  Scissors First I took a large sheet of construction paper…

  • Happy Summer!

    In honor of the first day of summer, Landon and I made a sun. I drew lines on the construction paper for the triangles, and yes, this 2 year old (ok, 2 year 10 month old) cut all the triangles by him self. He’s had lots of exposure to using scissors. Not only through his…

  • Math Mats

    Math Mats

    Math mats are a wonderful way to scaffold and expose children to number sense concepts, like one-to-one correspondence, counting, and number recognition. The idea originated with an old program – Math Their Way (I think). I used math mats as a kindergarten student teacher with Mrs. Kliefoth in Thermalito back in “the day”, and was…

  • Gluten Free Playdough

    Landon’s allergic to wheat. I know he’s not the only kid! He’s much better now about eating it, but when he was littler he would eat the playdough when I wasn’t looking. Shocker of all shockers I know. This recipe I found here it’s really easy to make!  Gluten Free Play Dough 1/2 Cup Rice Flour 1/2…

  • Moon Sand

    This morning we had some fun with moon sand. If you’ve never made moon sand you’re missing out on hours of fun. It’s super easy and cheap to make and lasts for quite some time in a zip lock bag. It’s like sand when you run your fingers through it, but it forms like play dough when…

  • Everyday Life – Music Time

    Both Brad and I were very musically involved growing up. I think I was way more than Brad as I grew up in a singing instrument playing family, went through band since elementary school (Brad did too) and kept making music a part of my life even now by singing in our church worship team…